Friday, March 22, 2013

The Truth.

I love this picture. Its not always rainbows & unicorns when you shoot families with babies and poor Baby Amber had finally had enough.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Baby C.

Before he got to smash his cake, Baby C had to get some big boy pictures done.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


This weekend I also got to take some great shots of my good friend Brian. He makes my job easy- he looks good in any picture!

Baby C Smash Cake

Baby C turned one a couple weeks ago. He really enjoyed the cake and licking the frosting off his bow-tie.  He kept using the candle like a spoon to dig and eat.

Baby A.

I got to see my favorite little princess yesterday and take pictures to capture her first St. Patrick's Day and Easter. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Electrical Parade.

Another all time favorite. My mom and I were at Disneyland when they first retired the Electrical Parade. Would you believe I took this with a disposable camera?!

My Nephews.

This is from a couple years ago but it is one of my all time favorites! My mom and I took the boys to the coast and we played all day at the dunes.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

New Year. New Blog. New Name.

Happy 2013!!! I have decided to change from Kelly Brown Photography to SugarPixel Photography.  2013 is going to be great and I have big plans! Stay tuned... :)